The common spider mite spares only a few greenhouse plants and even less often overtakes our beloved plants when the heating season begins at home. The temperature rises, the air in the rooms dries up, they start work. Especially in dry and hot weather, the spider mite population can spread very strongly. Phytoseiulus has been preying on the mite for many years persimilis is used to control the spider mite population.
Phytoseiulus-System – 2,000 individuals (100 ml)
When foci of the spider mite, Phytoseiulus, are observed released as soon as possible. Depending on the situation, 30-50 predatory mites/m² are released inside the fireplace and 5-10 predatory mites/m² are distributed around the fireplace.
Spider mite
The common spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae ) is one of the most feared pests worldwide.
Spider mites are not beetles, but arachnids. They have eight legs except in the nymph state. The colors can vary from light to darker green, but can sometimes be brown or orange. Has two spots on the belly area. The male is more mobile, smaller and more oval than the female. The female lays her eggs about 0.14 mm below the leaf. A larva with 6 legs hatches from the egg, which without waiting for anything starts drinking plant juice. As a result, the larva passes through two growth phases and becomes an adult. Developmental stages are separated by a period of dormancy, during which the mites sit on the surface of the leaf with their legs retracted. When the tick becomes an adult, it takes another 0.5-3 days for the female to start laying eggs. The complete development cycle depends on temperature, humidity and the plant the pest feeds on. In a rose leaf experiment, development took 7 days at 30°C, 17 days at 20°C, and 36 days at 15°C.
There are three times more females than males in the population, usually males are found near females that are not yet fully developed, the males are waiting for the female to finish developing. Unfertilized females lay only male eggs. The female lays eggs for 10 days (at 35°C) to 40 days (at 15°C). At a temperature of 20°C, about 40 eggs are laid, but under normal conditions this number can increase to 100. Especially on hot and dry days.
The spider mite can suck the sap of the plant. The plant cells turn yellow, which we can see from above as yellow spots on the leaf. This disrupts the plant's photosynthesis. Nevertheless, spider webs also spoil the appearance of ornamental plants.
When temperatures drop in autumn, fertilized females go into a diapause cycle, turning orange or red, hiding in greenhouse structures and wintering until conditions are suitable for breeding again.
Phytoseiulus Persimmon
Predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis most likely originated in Chile but was spread by man, whether intentional or not is not clear, but they are now spread all over the world
A Phytoseiulus mite lays its eggs close to spider mite colonies. We can distinguish them from spider mites by their oval shape, light orange color and the fact that they are twice as large. Hatched Nymph that has 6 legs. Similar to the spider mite, Phytoseiulus must go through two growth phases to reach full maturity. There is no resting stage between the later stages. When a predatory mite becomes an adult, it takes two days (at 20°C) to start laying eggs. Under normal conditions, their development cycle is shorter than that of spider mites. 5 days at 30°C, 9 days at 20°C and 25 days at 15°C.
Without fertilization, the female cannot lay an egg. At 20°C, she lays about 54 eggs in 22 days, this number can increase to 75 eggs. Thus, under normal conditions, the Phytoseiulus population grows faster than the spider mite population. In higher temperatures (above 30°C temperature) and/or dry weather conditions (60% relative humidity) spider mite population control is difficult, in low humidity spider mite eggs thrive.
The Phytoseiulus menu consists solely of this from the spider mite. In case of food shortages, this can change and relatives can be added to the menu. the adult Phytoseiulus eats all stages of the spider mite, while Phytoseiulus nymphs eat only the eggs and the first instars of the spider mite. An adult Phytoseiulus consumes about 20 spider mite eggs or nymphs, 13 protonymphs or 5 adults per day .
Due to its rapid development and very large appetite, the predatory mite can completely destroy spider mite colonies. Although Phytoseiulus nymphs stay in the same place, adults are mobile and look for other pest-infested places. If the plants touch each other, then the predator can quickly reach another in the focus of pests.
Phytoseiulus can be used on various plants .
For successful biological pests control is is important early to notice cobweb tick and start immediately . Cobwebs ticks population can very strongly grow up summer and her it's hard to control , it is advisable to start control when cobwebs ticks finishes to winter
When noticeable cobwebs ticks foci , Phytoseiulus is launched what faster . Depending on from situation 30-50 predators ticks /m² are present launched into fireplaces and 5-10 predators ticks /m² distributed around fireplace .
Normal conditions Phytoseiulus Can protect plants of any kind during the season . However for the season upon reaching high and dry conditions may occur problems Experience shows that predators ticks can help relative humidity lifting , spraying with water small drops , on plants .